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Hadiza Inuwa Hussain 


The present research aimed at finding out the possible approaches in improving reading ability of secondary school students in Karu, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Given that basic reading is an essential academic skill in learning every subject, the study focused on specific difficulties learners encounter in comprehending materials, which can be worsened by instructional flaws, time constraints and resource scarcity. The quantitative and qualitative survey-based approach of the study examined the current understanding of concepts, major challenges, and effectiveness of teaching strategies that include direct instruction, thought modeling, and technology enhanced learning. The study revealed that the average comprehension level of the students is 65.4% and establishes an important relationship between comprehension skills, gender and socio-economic status. The study highlights instructional deficiencies and proposes improvement strategies based on the analysis of students’ reading fluency and academic performance using vocabulary and multimedia, interactive learning, and other activities. The results of this study offer useful information for educators and policymakers focused on promoting adequate literacy learning environments across diverse contexts of education.


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Hussain , H. I. . (2024). EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING READING COMPREHENSION AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN KARU, NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA. Nigerian Journal of Literacy and English Education, 2(2), 164-171. https://doi.org/10.60787/nijolee.vol2no2.55


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