NIJOLEE welcomes articles in the area of literacy, literacy education, literature, language education, foreign language teaching, and linguistics. Specific areas may include although not limited to subtopic such as: Language teaching methodologies, 

English as a second language teaching and curricular practices

Curriculum development and teaching methods with focus on English

Twenty-first century learning and the teaching of language

Classroom-centered research and evaluation

Use of technology in language instruction


Language testing and evaluation

Language education

Nigerian languages

Teacher education and professional development

Teacher training

Mother tongue based education

First language acquisition and second language learning

Bilingual and multilingual education

Language translation

New technologies in language teaching

Literature, language, and linguistics

Peer Review Process

Articles received will be sent to two different competent reviewers with blind peer review type. Authors’ name, telephone contact, email addresses, and institutional affiliation will not be disclosed to the reviewers. The main pints which are going to see in reviewing process are the title of the articles, the literatures use, methodology, references, appendices, etc. The expected time within which each reviewer is expected will be specified in the review form. On the

parameters for selection of reviewers, this will be based on their expertise in language education and teaching and previous publishing records and contribution to research.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published two times in a year namely in the month of June and December. Each edition contains not less than ten articles. 

 Open Access Policy

Operating an open access policy means that the online issues will be made available to the reading public without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. NIJOLEE will therefore, endeavor to provide open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles in this journal, and to use them for any other lawful purpose.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

NIJOLEE is a journal that is professionally managed by a team of devoted academics and is committed to complying with copyright, privacy, and the rules of scientific publications. Every article published focuses mainly on applied linguistics, literature, and English language teaching. It is expected that articles submitted to the journal are written by authors who are competent in their fields and must have carried out the studies by themselves. The Journal has zero tolerance for research malpractices of every kind. Authors are not to falsify data, results or plagiarise the ideas or works of other scholars.

Author Ethics

Reporting: Authors should report the process and results of their research fairly, clearly, precisely, accurately, thoroughly, and impartially as well as save the data well. Honesty is expected in presenting any data and information listed in content and research results.

Maintaining Originality: Authors make a statement that the paper submitted to the journal editor is original (from the author's own ideas), has never been delivered and published in any media, in any language, and not in the process of submission to another publisher. The case of publication duplication and deception, the article is subject to be removed from this journal.

Clear sources: Authors should mention and ensure that any reading materials used as citations and bibliography are written clearly and completely. Authors are strictly forbidden to quote the writings of others without citing the original source.

Responsibility: Authors are fully responsible for the data and research writings, in terms of methods, analysis, calculation, and details. If verification is required from Editors and Reviewers, the authors are willing to answer it clearly, precisely and fairly.

Agreement: Authors ensure that the names listed in the article are based on contributions of ideas and thoughts every writer and have been approved by the entire team of writers. Any changes, reductions or additions of author names, should be approved the team of writers. Any other parties contributing fully ( non-substance ) in writing this paper,  the authors express their gratitude to the relevant parties.

Punctuality: Authors revise the script and edit texts punctually for the sake of discipline and regular journal publication. Otherwise, the authors are ready to take the consequences, which is the delay of journal article publication.

Disclosure of conflicts of interest; authors uphold copyright and privacy of one another to avoid conflicts of interest. In the event of a conflict of interest with other parties, the authors must solve it justly and wisely.

Editor/ Reviewer Ethics

The Editor plays complementary roles as the Reviewer. Specific roles include:

Neutrality: The Editor/Reviewer is neutral in selecting and screening manuscript. The editor must be objective and fair to all writers who submitted their written works. The editor is forbidden to be discriminative to the authors in terms of gender, ethnicity, religion, race, intergroup, or nationality.

Reporting: The Editor/Reviewer reports the selection and reviews scripts clearly and accurately to the author based on accuracy, completeness, and clarity of reporting of result research and its development, including editing techniques and the use of guidelines for publication and screenwriting.

Communicative: The Editor/Reviewer communicates effectively and efficiently in the process of publishing the journal. Every suggestion and criticism from authors, reviewers, and journal managers should be addressed clearly, fairly and transparently.

Fairness; editor distributes scripts to editor team members and reviewers fairly based on their respective competence.

Professional: The Editor/Reviewer works professionally based on his duties and responsibilities. The editor should understand any policy related to journal publication. Editor/Reviewer ensures that every script has undergone the editorial process and review correctly, fairly, and objectively.

Responsibility: The Editor/Reviewer takes full responsibility for the success of journal publication. Editor guarantees that every journal article published is a new paper and not a copy, and gives benefits to those reading and accessing the journals.

Disclosure of conflicts of interest: The Editor/Reviewer upholds copyright and privacy of each other to avoid conflict of interest. Should a conflict of interest arise with other parties, an editor must solve it justly and wisely.

Quality assurance: The Editor/ Reviewer has a duty to assist editors in improving the quality of paper he reviews. Reviewer analyzes papers on the substance not on grammar, punctuation, and typos.

Journal Management Ethics

It is the responsibility of the Management of NIJOLEE to provide guidelines regulating journal publication policies. Depending on the changing circumstances, journal policies can be revised from time to time and the legal framework provided to guide contributors. NIJOLEE Management upholds copyright and privacy of each other to avoid conflicts of interest.